In Pursuit of Truth & Beauty
Flynn Rebrand Logo Animation-high.gif

The Flynn

Rebranding Vermont’s most beloved cultural institution was an epic journey. Faced with a loyal but aging audience, the Flynn had three goals in mind for this effort: to strengthen and unify the brand story, enhance the guest experience, and attract a more diverse audience. As a part of our process, we heard from over 1,700 voices within our community, both internally and externally, to understand what the Flynn means to them and how the organization can do better. Much of what we all love about the Flynn was reaffirmed, while opportunities to modernize, streamline, and be more accessible emerged.

Inspired by the letterforms on the iconic marquee, the logo breathes new meaning into this historical fixture. Along with a new identity system, the new look we crafted for the Flynn embodies an aspirational vision for the future that’s welcoming, uplifting and daring—capturing the energy and potential of the transformative moments they make possible.

“Ruthless and Wellington faced a daunting challenge: how to rebrand a Vermont institution that thousands of people feel some sort of attachment to, many with their own definition of the Flynn. Rather than a fast, slick, impersonal process that left stakeholders feeling left behind, Ruthless and Wellington went deep and got to know every corner of the organization. From the very beginning their approach was thoughtful, committed, careful, and determined in a way that fit perfectly with our nonprofit arts organization. At its completion, the Flynn community felt listened to and seen in a way that was invigorating and inspiring. A deeply meaningful experience with beautiful results!”

— KEVIN TITTERTON, Marketing Director for the Flynn

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